

Programme: Tender ESA – AEOLUS+ INNOVATION

Project title: Cdom-Proxy Retrieval From Aeolus Observations

Acronym: COLOR

Duration: 15/11/2021 – 14/11/2022

Total budget: € 146.881

ISMAR budget: € 48.580

Web site:

  1. http://ricerca.ismar.cnr.it/color/
  2. https://eo4society.esa.int/projects/aeolus-innovation-expro-cdom-proxy-retrieval-from-aeolus-observations-color/


The objective of the COLOR (CDOM-proxy retrieval from aeOLus ObseRvations) project is to assess the feasibility of deriving an in-water AEOLUS product from the analysis of the ocean sub-surface backscattered component of the 355 nm signal acquired by the ALADIN (Atmospheric LAser Doppler INstrument). The project will focus on the potential retrieval of the ocean particle optical properties at 355 nm: diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance, Kd [m-1], and sub-surface hemispheric particulate backscatter coefficient, bbp [m-1].
COLOR activities are organized in three different but interacting phases:

  1. Consolidation of the scientific requirements;
  2. Implementation and assessment of AEOLUS COLOR prototype product;
  3. Scientific roadmap.

Furthermore, data collection activity will feed phase 1 and 2, encompassing both AEOLUS dataset and the ancillary reference/validation datasets.
The overall proposed approach is based on the transfer of the lidar consolidated know-how from atmospheric to oceanic applications through AEOLUS observation data analysis and ocean radiative transfer numerical modelling.

Contact person in ISMAR: davide.dionisi@cnr.it


  1. CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
  2. Aequora (Portugal)
  4. Università della Basilicata (Italy)