

Programme: Copernicus Marine Service (21001L03-COP-TAC SST-2300, EC through Mercator Ocean International)

Project title: Provision of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Observation Products – Thematic Assembly Centre (TAC)


Duration: 01/01/2022-12/31/2024

Project budget: € 1.750.000

ISMAR budget: € 458.421

Web site: https://marine.copernicus.eu/it

CNR-ISMAR leads the Copernicus Marine Service Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Thematic Assembly Centre (TAC). The SST TAC, a consortium composed by different production units (PUs), is the service in charge of the operational production of state-of-the-art SST products covering the Global Ocean (GLO) and the European Seas, namely the North West Shelf/Iberia-Biscay-Irish Seas (ATL), Baltic Sea (BAL), Black Sea (BS) and Mediterranean Sea (MED). All these products are primarily based on satellite observations and provided as Level-3 (L3) and Level-4 (L4) near real time (NRT) and reprocessed (REP) datasets, the latter designed for climate applications. Presently, the SST TAC catalogue includes 19 products, of which 13 are NRT products and 6 REP products. The SST TAC works to continuously improve the service, specifically addressing new requirements by users, as well as implementing operational improvements by e.g. introducing product quality improvements, integration of new satellite sensors (as e.g. SLSTR from the Sentinel-3A/-3B/-3C satellites), and releasing new products. This TAC also maintains and updates on a regular basis the provision of the so-called SST Ocean Monitoring Indicators (OMIs) and contributes to the Ocean State Report to provide consistent descriptions of the ocean state over the past decades.

Contact person in ISMAR: andrea.pisano@cnr.it


  1. CNR-ISMAR (Italy)
  2. Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) (Denmark)
  3. Ifremer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea) (France)
  4. Met Office (United Kingdom),
  5. Met.No (Norwegian Meteorological Institute) (Norway)
  6. Innuere Consulting (Italy)