Programma: MED

Titolo progetto: Tracking Oil Spills and Coastal Awareness Network

Acronimo: TOSCA

Durata: 2010-2013

Budget totale: € 2.345.000

Sito Web: and

Sommario: Lethal effects of mineral oils on fragile marine & local coastal ecosystems aren’t to be any more demonstrated. The increasing importance of East Mediterranean ports & the higher traffic densities concentrated around Western & Central Mediterranean ports, will abruptly rise the risk of a high polluting marine accident, needing the strengthening of the coastal monitoring. The core objective of TOSCA is to improve the quality, speed & effectiveness of decision-making process in case of marine accidents (oil pollution, SAR Operations), by the development & implementation of technical & decision support tools, through active participation of scientists, in conjunction with local authorities. The novelty of TOSCA is to implement an integrated & scientific sustainable monitoring/forecasting design based on state of the art technology that will be implemented at the territorial scale & for local needs through the following steps: – analysis of past dramatic events & state-of-the art in terms of methodologies, instruments & response plans, – setting-up of an observational network based on HF radar & drifters providing direct information on ocean currents, coupled with other instruments & models, – assessment of the system considering different case scenarios. The network information will be used to implement a common scientific strategy in cooperation with policy makers, to improve the efficiency of action plans in case of marine accident & to create synergies between authorities, regulators, end users & scientists.

Contatto in ISMAR:


  1. PACA Sea Innovation & Business Cluster – Toulon Var Technologies (PMP-TVT) – Francia, Capo di Fila
  2. Laboratory LSEET – Toulon University (LSEET) – Francia, Scientific Coordinator
  3. Prefettura del Mediterraneo (PREMAR MED) – Francia
  4. Università dell’Egeo (UAEGEAN) – Grecia
  5. Istituto dei Sistemi di Accelerazione e Applicazione. Università di Atene (IASA-UAT) – Grecia
  6. Region of East Macedonia and Thrace (REMTH) – Grecia
  7. Technicological Institute of Education of Piraeus (Tei Piraeus) – Grecia
  8. Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali – Università “Parthenope” (DISAM) – Italia
  9. Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Applicata (OGS) – Italia
  10. CNR – ISMAR – Italia
  11. Università delle Isole Baleari – Istituto Mediterraneo di studi avanzati (IMEDEA (UIB-CSIC)) – Spagna
  12. Istituto di Scienze del Mare (ICM-CSIC) – Spagna
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