Programme: TENDER UE Copernicus-Mercator Ocean

Project title: Copernicus Marine Environmental Service – Ocean Colour Thematic Assemblying Center 77-CMEMS-TAC-OC


Duration: 01/01/2018 – 30/06/2021

Total budget: € 2.900.000

ISMAR budget: € 1.420.000

Web site:


The Ocean Colour Thematic Center (OC TAC) operates the European Ocean Colour component, providing worldwide global, pan-European and regional (Atlantic, Arctic, Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Sea) high-quality satellite ocean colour products based on Earth Observation Ocean Colour missions. OC TAC relies on current and legacy Ocean Colour satellite sensors: MERIS, from ESA, SeaWiFS and MODIS from NASA, and VIIRS from NOAA. The ESA Sentinel 3 OLCI sensor will have a dramatic impact on product provision, quality, and volume.
Global and regional satellite products are higher level observational combined products, thus providing an added value to standard products delivered by the space agencies. Regional satellite products provide higher accuracy higher than standard Ocean Colour data available from space ground segments thanks to the regionalization of processing chains that takes into account the bio-optical characteristics of each regional seas for production and data validation.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. ACRI-ST
  2. Plymouth Marine Laboratory
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