Programme: TENDER UE Copernicus-ECMWF
Project title: C3S_422_Offshore Maritime Copernicus Climate Change Service for Ship Navigation
Acronym: C3S_422_Offshore Maritime
Duration: 15/03/2017 – 31/10/2019
Total budget: € 7.183.000
ISMAR budget: € 188.377
Web site:
Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) aims to provide information to support the development of a climate resilient society. Through the Sectoral Information System (SIS), C3S has already 7 Proof of Concept elements (POCs) under development, addressing the needs of sectoral users in water, energy, insurance, agriculture and urban-management sectors in Europe. It is expected that building upon the experience gained from the POCs, a new set of operational services will be developed and delivered to address the sectors that are not served by the existing contracts.
Contact person in ISMAR:
- Offshore Monitoring Limited (Cyprus)
- B-Open (Italy)
- Offshore Navigation Ltd (United Kingdom)
- Global Maritime Services Ltd (United Kingdom)
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
- Team Tankers International (Denmark)
- Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB (Sweden)