Programme: DG MARE – EASME/EMFF/2015/ – Projects on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)

Project title: Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean region


Duration: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2018

EU contribution: EUR 2.258.343

ISMAR budget: EUR 113.000

Web site: at work


The Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean region (SIMWESTMED) proposal brings together a number of partners – research organisations, marine planning authorities and marine management bodies – who have extensive experience with regard to maritime planning, policy and management; and are thus well placed to meet the objectives of the Commission’s call on Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean region. SIMWESTMED will focus on the two key objectives stated in the call: 1. Support the implementation of the Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning in Member States’ marine waters; 2. Launch and carry out concrete, cross-border MSP cooperation between Member States in the Western Mediterranean region, involving four Member States and the relevant authorities responsible for MSP in the selected area, the UNEP/MAP representation and the CPMR for the level of the Regions. In advance of this submission, SIMWESTMED partners undertook preliminary discussions with the maritime planning authorities in each of the jurisdictions eligible under the Commission’s call with a view to better understand MSP implementation issues and knowledge gaps specific to the Western Mediterranean (FAO sub-area 37.1), and how these might be addressed through this project proposal. SIMWESTMED partners will address both key objectives through a variety of approaches, including: literature and desktop research; future trend analysis; collaborative scenario development; practitioner/stakeholder interview; development of case studies; and stakeholder engagement mechanisms. Sub-themes relevant to both of the key objectives will provide the context and scope for how each of the methodological elements will be used. Such subthemes will include: – Understanding current and potential future demands relevant to transboundary areas and issues (including the analysis of key maritime sectors and marine conservation demands spanning marine area boundaries, and PELAGOS Sanctuary); – Access to data and data-specific barriers to transboundary cooperation; – Development and testing of approaches to stakeholder engagement within marine planning processes in relation to transboundary areas and issues; and, – Consideration of potential options for transboundary cooperation in preparing maritime spatial plans.

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  1. Service Hydrographique et océanographique de la Marine (SHOM), (France)
  2. Agences des Aires Marines Protégées (AAMP), (France)
  3. Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO), (Spain)
  4. Centro de estudios y experimentación de obras públicas (CEDEX), (Spain)
  5. Consortium for Managing Research Activities in the Venice Lagoon (CORILA), (Italy)
  6. Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of Italy (MIT), (Italy)
  7. Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea – Directorate-General for Nature and Sea Protection of Italy (MATTM –
  8. DPNM), (Italy)
  9. Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA), (Malta)
  10. Environment Programme, Barcelona Convention Secretariat, Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan
  11. (UNEP-MAP)
  12. Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement (CEREMA), (France)
  13. Conférence des Régions Périphériques Maritimes d’Europe/Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe
  14. (CRPM/CPMR), (France)
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