Sartorio pier

The tide-gauge station is located in a cabin on the NE side of Molo (Pier) Sartorio, in Trieste harbour. It is the oldest station in the Adriatic and the earliest sea level observations date back to 1859. There are three float tide gauges in operation, two digital and one analogue. The observations are archived and most of them are available through portals of international programmes devoted to sea level observations.

The tide-gauge station is located in a cabin on the NE side of Molo (Pier) Sartorio, in Trieste harbour. It is the oldest station in the Adriatic and the earliest sea level observations date back to 1859. There are three float tide gauges in operation, namely two digital OTT mod. Thalimedes, which provide the sea level height every minute, and an analogue OTT, with continuous recording on paper. The values are relative to ‘Zero Istituto Talassografico’ (ZIT), representing the origin of the tide-gauge reference system. ZIT is at a known distance from the ‘Piastrina Mareografica’, which represents the main tide-gauge benchmark, which is quoted during levelling surveys. At least twice a month the system is calibrated via a direct measurement relative to the ‘Piastrina Mareografica’, made using a hydrometer consisting of a metric tape with electric contact. The data are held in the archive of ISMAR in Trieste. Most observations are available through portals of international programmes devoted to sea level observations, to which the CNR section of Trieste has been collaborating for long time. The monthly and annual means since 1875 can be downloaded from the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level and the hourly means since 2009 from the Global Sea Level Observing System. In particular, the Trieste-Molo Sartorio station is included in the GLOSS Core Network with no. 340.

A historical time series of hourly data is available through SEANOE. Moreover, the station hosts a tide gauge operated by the Civil Protection of Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.

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