Physical oceanography
and biogeochemistry

WASS, Waves Acquisition Stereo System (photo: A. Benetazzo)

ISMAR’s activities in the fields of physical oceanography and biogeochemistry is based on decades of experience and the most comprehensive experimental observational system at the national scale.

The scientific interest ranges from the study of oceanographic and climatological processes at the Mediterranean basin scale to fluid dynamic processes at the microscopic scales, from coastal to offshore environments, from processes at the sea surface to abyssal processes.

The strongly multidisciplinary approach, that combines observation and modeling of ocean processes, is the staple for diagnostic tools effective for assessing and understanding the effects on ecosystems as a function of the evolution of future climate change and to measure the potential effects on marine resources, minimizing the impact of anthropogenic pressures. Research activities integrate observations in in situ and remotely (satellite), laboratory activities, and simulations of numerical modeling.

Numerical simulations, both diagnostic and prognostic, aim to capture the global and local dynamic processes and their interconnection with the biological and biogeochemical component. ISMAR counts participation and leadership role in numerous national and international projects and programs.

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