Technical board

Usefulness of the Technical Board for Tidal Forecasts in Venice

The “Technical Board for Tidal Forecasting in Venice” is composed to date, of personnel from the Tide Forecasting and Reporting Center of the Municipality of Venice (CPSM), the Superior Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), and the Institute of Marine Sciences of the CNR in Venice (CNR-ISMAR). The Table is a moment of comparison and sharing of forecasts and meteorological-marine knowledge, born within the existing collaboration agreements between the institutes involved. It is precisely these agreements that make it possible for individuals from other agencies/institutes with which there are collaboration agreements to participate in the need, this is done primarily with the help of colleagues from Arpa Veneto

The CNR-ISMAR does not directly issue its own forecast for Venice, but collaborates with the other two institutions for an improved forecast. For access to the forecast, please refer to the web pages of the City of Venice (and its news) and ISPRA (with news).

CNR-ISMAR also provides a web page where one can find the various forecasting systems present and a page explaining the Acqua Alta phenomenon, and the methods of its forecasting.

Descriptions and bulletins of historical and current High Water events can be found below.

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