Programme: DG MARE – Director-General of DG Maritime Affairs fisheries – Tender (call EASME/EMFF/2016/006)

Project title: EMODNET CHEMISTRY 3


Duration: 06/03/2017 – 06/03/2019

EU contribution: EUR 2.805.000

ISMAR budget: EUR 40.000

Web site: https://www.emodnet-chemistry.eu/


EMODnet Chemistry III aims to fu​rther the development of an operational service where marine chemical data, as well as the observations​​​ on which these data products were built, are made freely available. The primary focus of the project is data and metadata of concentration of chemicals (i.e. pesticides, heavy metals, fertilizers, plastics, nutrient loads) in seawater, sediments and biota, particularly those relevant to the M​arine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)​ or to global climate change.

Contact person in Ismar: m.marini@ismar.cnr.it


  1. OGS, (Italy)
  2. MARIS BV, (The Netherlands)
  3. IFREMER, (France)
  4. IMR, (Norway)
  5. AU-DCE, (Denmark)
  6. VLIZ, (Belgium)
  7. RBINS, (Belgium)
  8. NIOZ, (The Netherlands)
  9. SMHI, (Sweden)
  10. HCMR, (Greece)
  11. BAS, (Bulgaria)
  12. NIMRD, (Romania)
  13. ICES, (Denmark)
  14. AWI, (Germany)
  15. ULG, (Belgium)
  16. IEO, (Spain)
  17. ISPRA, (Italy)
  18. MI, (Ireland)
  19. CNR, (Italy)
  20. IHPT, (Portugal)
  21. IOF, (Croatia)
  22. LHEI, (Latvia)
  23. TUT, (Estonia)
  24. FMI, (Finland)
  25. NIB, (Slovenia)
  26. IOLR, (Israel)
  27. SYKE, (Finland)
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