Programme: ESA

Project title:  Detection and tracking of large marine litter based on high-resolution   remote sensing time series, machine learning, and ocean current modelling

Acronym: ESA-TRACE

Duration: 03/08/2020 – 31/12/2022

Project budget: € 175.000

ISMAR budget: € 15.000

Web site:

The overall goal is to obtain precise and reliable data on floating macro-litter regarding their quantity, position, accumulation zones, material properties, floating depth, and sources, which may serve as a basis for litter recovery, source elimination, and prevention of litter dispersal. The combination of modern satellite technology, deep learning and trajectories forecast can potentially be applied wordwilde and can help to monitor the open sea.

Contact person in ISMAR:

1.    Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (Germany)
2.    IsardSAT S.L. (Spain)
3.    CNR-ISMAR (Italy)


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