Programme: European Space Agency (ESA)
Project title: World Ocean Circulation
Acronym: ESA-WOC
Duration: 31/05/2020 – 31/05/2022
Project budget: € 1.500.000
ISMAR budget: € 104.000
Web site:
In the framework of the ESA-World Ocean Circulation project, CNR will coordinate Theme 2: “3D currents and vertical motion”. CNR will be in charge of the development of a daily product of 3D ocean currents (including the vertical component), at mesoscale-resolving spatial resolution, over a wide section of the central/North Atlantic Ocean. The 3D currents will be estimated down to depths below the deepest mixed layer starting from the algorithms developed and used within the Copernicus Marine Service and CIRCOL project. CNR will also assist and collaborate with end-users in the analysis of the new data to explore the impact of long term oceanic variability and the role of frontal meanders and eddies in the transport and dispersal of larvae and on the migratory behaviours of selected species.”
Contact person in ISMAR:
- OceanDataLab (ODL)(France)
- CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) (Italy)
- NERSC (Norway)
- Ocean Next (France)
- IFREMER (France)
- UNIV. UTRECHT (Netherlands)
- ICM-CSIC (Spain)