Programme: Copernicus Marine
Project title: Copernicus Marine: Provision of ocean observation product
Duration: 15/12/2021 – 31/12/2024
Total budget: € 5.450.000
ISMAR budget: € 100.000
Web site: n.a.
Key words: HF radar, ocean currents, ocean observation, Copernicus Marine
The mission of the In Situ Thematic Centre (INS TAC) is to provide integrated in situ products built from in situ observations acquired from outside Copernicus Marine Service data providers to fit the needs of Copernicus Marine Service internal and external users. It is a distributed centre composed of 6 regional centres working closely with the EuroGOOS ROOS (Regional Operational Observing System) and a Global centre well connected to the JCOMM networks (Joint WMO-IOC Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology). INS TAC also works closely with the SeaDataNet infrastructure that coordinates a network of European National Data Centres which archive observation data acquired within scientific campaign and EMODNet, which is a network of organisations supported by the EU’s integrated maritime policy. The in situ products are either assimilated in forecasting models by MFCs , used as ground truth for models from the Monitoring and Forecasting Centers (MFC) or Satellite Thematic Centre (TAC) product validation or provided to Copernicus Marine Service users for Research and downstream activities.
Contact person in ISMAR:
- IFREMER (France)
- AZTI (Spain)
- BSH (Germany)
- CLS (France)
- CNE (Italy)
- HCMR (Greece)
- IMR (Norway)
- IO-BAS (Bulgaria)
- NOLOGIN (Spain)
- OceanScope (France)
- Puertos del Estado (Spain)
- POKAPOK (France)
- SMHI (Sweden)
- SOCIB (Spain)
- SYKE (Finland)
- UiB (Norway)