Programme: Copernicus Marine Service
Project title: Ocean Colour Thematic Assembly Centre
Acronym: CMEMS / OCTAC
Duration: 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2024
Project budget: € 3.550.000
ISMAR budget: € 1.340.000
Web site:
The project OCTAC operates the European Ocean Colour component within the CMEMS, bridging the gap between space agencies, providing high-quality core ocean colour products for the Global Ocean and the European regional seas based on multiple Ocean Colour missions.OCTAC provides in a timely and sustained manner a set of the Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) that can be retrieved from Ocean Colour radiometry, i.e. CHL, IOPs and PFTs/PSCs (Phytoplankton Functional Groups and community structure).
Global and regional products are higher level observational combined products proving an added value to standard products delivered by the space agencies.
Regional products provide higher accuracy than standard global products as the regionalization of processing chains takes into account the bio-optical characteristics of each regional sea.
Contact person in ISMAR:
- National Research Council – CNR/ISMAR (Italy)
- ACRI-ST (France)
- Plymouth Marine Laboratory – PML (UK)
- Brockmann Consult GmbH – BC (Germany)
- Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – RBINS (Belgium)
- AEQUORA Lda (Portugal)
- Finnish Environmental Institute – SYKE (Finland)
- Innuere Consulting – IC (Italy)