Programme: Copernicus Climate Change Service
Project title: Advancing ocean data assimilation methodology for climate applications
Acronym: ERGO2
Role in the project: Partner
Duration: 01/07/2022-30/06/2025
Total budget: € 1.200.000
ISMAR budget: € 225 000
Web site: n.a.
This proposal builds on the development already carried out under a previous C3S contract (C3S_321b), which implemented the components needed to enable an ensemble of data assimilations (EDA) for ocean reanalyses. The main goal of this contract is to further integrate these individual components and to develop additional data assimilation (DA) tools so the next generation of C3S climate reanalysis can benefit from better exploitation of the available observations. The activity within this contract will contribute to the following production streams:
● OCEAN6: multi-decadal uncoupled ocean reanalyses for climate studies and initialization of seasonal/decadal coupled forecasts. This will use NEMO4 forced by ERA5 surface forcing, and the latest version of NEMOVAR. The service sought will help to finalize the final configuration of OCEAN6 and assist with monitoring during production. OCEAN6 will also serve as reference and anchor for ERA6, described next. The production of OCEAN6 is intended to start before Q1-2023.
● ERA6: the next generation of C3S’s Reanalysis System which will be conducted using a coupled data assimilation methodology (at an outer-loop level) to provide a monitoring capability for the Earth System, including atmosphere, land, ocean, sea-ice and ocean waves, and to be ready for production in early 2024. The service sought shall advance the ocean and data assimilation methodology to ensure improved exploitation of surface observations.
● ERA6-Ocean-offline: a multidecadal uncoupled ocean reanalysis forced by ERA6 surface forcing, produced in a sequential manner. The service sought aims at improving the reliability of the low- frequency climate signals.
Contact person in ISMAR:
- INRIA (France),
- CERFACS (France)