Programme: Agreement with Po River Basin Authority

Project title: ADBPO-Cognitive frameworks in coastal areas

Acronym: ADBPO

Duration: 01/05/2021- 31/05/2023

Project budget: € 150.000

ISMAR budget: € 50.000

Web site: n.a.

The project aims at developing a program of “Technical-scientific study on cognitive frameworks in the coastal area”. The general objectives are: 1. to improve the knowledge of the sea forcings (waves and levels) that generate storm events along the APSFR coast, in order to update the hazard and risk maps produced under the Floods Directive on the basis of uniform scenarios ; 2. produce a review of all data on solid river transport for water courses that fall within the area of competence of the ADBPO (APSFR coast); propose a methodological protocol for the future monitoring of river bottom solid transport in lowland areas.

Contact person in ISMAR:


  1. UNIFE (Italy)
  2. IUSS (Italy)
  3. CNR-ISMAR (Italy)
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