Programme: Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA)

Project title: National Antarctica Data Center

Acronym: NADC

Duration: 06/03/2019 – 05/03/2022

Project budget: € 490.000

ISMAR budget: € 30.000

Web site:

The aim of the project is the realization of the distributed IT infrastructure called the National Antarctic Data Center (NADC) which will guarantee the management and sharing of data, metadata and scientific information produced, at the national level, within the PNRA and their sharing at the international level, in the various programs and initiatives that actively involve the PNRA Community. The proposed approach aims to ensure synergy and integration between the existing information systems of all the different bodies participating in the PNRA, while preserving their technological and strategic autonomy. For the end-user of the infrastructure, the advantage will be to access a single integrated system that provides, in a simple, open and transparent way, access to data wherever they are. The effective accessibility of data and information helps moving forward the frontiers of open science, so that everyone can take advantage of the work done in the past years and make it part of their work.

Contact person in ISMAR:


1. CNR-DSSTTA (Italy)

2. CNR-IASI (Italy)

3. CNR-RSI (Italy)

4. CNR-ISAC (Italy)

5. CNR-ISMAR (Italy)

6. ENEA (Italy)

7. OGS (Italy)

8. INGV (Italy)

9. MNA (Italy)

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