

Programme: PO_FEAMP

Project title: Innovazione, Sviluppo e Sostenibilità nel settore della Pesca e dell’Acquacoltura per la Regione Campania

Acronym: ISSPA

Duration:  15-05-2020 – 14-07-2023

Project budget: € 5.736.000

ISMAR budget: € 200.000

Web site:

The Action aims to build a Geodatabase where information derived from field activities (Habitat mapping, anthropogenic uses, socio-economic data) and desk based will be organized in a GIS environment, in accordance with in INSPIRE protocols developed by the EU and already tested in EU projects such as CoCoNet, Adriplan and Cohenet in a Maritime Spatial Planning context. This activity is closely linked to support the Vocation Chart and the information layers collected and processed will be returned to the Campania Region Sea Portal at the Zoological Station in Naples.
All the spatial data necessary for the management of Natura 2000 sites and marine protected areas in Campania will be integrated. The two spatial databases, the small-scale one created for the protected sites and the regional-scale one covered by this action, will communicate through a single geoportal that will ensure the integration of information.

Contact person in ISMAR: federica.foglini@bo.ismar.cnr.it e marco.sacchi@cnr.it
