Programme: PRIN 2017

Project title: The Po-Adriatic Source-to-Sink system: from modern sedimentary processes to millennial-scale stratigraphic architecture
Acronym: PASS

Duration: 02-11-2019 – 02-11-2023

Project budget: € 641 600

ISMAR budget: € 217 800

Web site: nn

The observable and quantifiable sedimentary processes acting on decadal to centennial time scales have been largely overlooked by stratigraphers and have never been incorporated in longer-term, high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic models. As a result, the internal configuration of sediment packages in the rock record has been predominantly conceptualized rather than documented.
The proposed research project (PASS) aims at establishing a framework in which different disciplines are combined in a unified working procedure that integrates for the first time sequence stratigraphy, sediment provenance and a quantitative assessment of modern sedimentary processes. PASS will quantitatively assess sediment fluxes across a ~1,000 km long, source-to-sink system by applying a multiscale sequence-stratigraphic method to the chronologically well-constrained, post-glacial succession of the Po-Adriatic region.
Defining the temporal and spatial variability of recent sediment transport processes, pathways and fluxes on yearly to decadal time scales will help interpret their role in the construction of the sedimentary record on centennial to millennial time scales. It will also provide insight into the quantification of reservoir heterogeneities and its subdivision into basic flow units.

Contact person in ISMAR:

Università di Bologna
ISMAR Venezia
ISMAR Bologna
ISP Bologna

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