

 Prossimi seminari

Giovedì 4 luglio
Ore 14:30

Alessandro Silvano (University of Southampton)
“The global influence of ice-ocean interactions in Antarctica”

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Il gruppo seminari CNR-ISMAR, Alessandra Conversi (Lerici), Filomena Loreto (Bologna), Gianluigi Liberti (Roma) e Camilla Palmiotto (Bologna).


Maggio:  Intelligenza Artificiale

30 maggio: Ennio Ottaviani, OnAIR s.r.l, “Intelligenza artificiale per le scienze marine: le attività di OnAIR” – LocandinaWatch the recording on line

23 maggio: Francesco Rosasco, OnAIR s.r.l, “Introduzione al Quantum Computing e applicazioni nell’intelligenza artificiale” – LocandinaWatch the recording on line

16 maggio: Simone Marini, CNR-ISMAR, “Science Discovery e Computer Continuum” – LocandinaWatch the recording on line

24 aprile ore 14:30
Laura Vitale (Stazione Anton Dohrn Napoli)
“Biotechnological potential of marine bacteria in bioremediation and  biomining”
LocandinaWatch the recording on line

04 aprile  2024   ore 14:30
Helena I. Gomes (University of Nottingham)
Resource recovery from wastes using bioleaching and electrodialysis”
LocandinaWatch the recording on line

21 marzo 2024   ore 14:30
B.Buongiorno Nadelli, D.Ciani, G.L.Liberti, M.Sabatini (CNR_ISMAR)
Harmony ESA Earth Explorer 10 Mission: ISMAR contributions to the mission definition and science studies. SST gradients in ‘nozze coi fichi secchi’ mode”
LocandinaWatch the recording on line

07/03/2024   ore 14:30
Vittorio Brando (CNR_ISMAR)
“Reporting potential eutrophication of European waters within the
UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 framework using satellite derived
chlorophyll data”
Watch the recording on line

Massimo Zancanaro
(Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive – Università di Trento)
“Human-Centered AI: Rationale, Principles, and Practices”
Locandina Watch the recording on line

29/02/2024  (La Geodiversità)
Laura Canonica (Università di Genova)
Exploring serpentinite outcrops: insights into the mycodiversity
LocandinaWatch the recording on line

26/02/2024  Juan Restrepo (Oak Ridge National Laboratory and U. Tennessee, USA)
“The Wave Driven Circulation and Transient Wave Transport”
Locandina Watch the recording on line

FEBBRAIO:     La Geodiversità 

08/02/2024 Valentina Bracchi (Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca)
“The GEOBIOdiversity in pink: the bioconstructions of calcareous red algae in the Med Sea”
Locandina Watch the recording on line

GENNAIO:    Antartide e Ambienti Estremi

25/01/2024 Laura De Santis (OGS-Trieste),
“Ice sheet and ocean interaction, paleoclimate and paleoceanographic record during past glacial and interglacials”
LocandinaWatch the recording on line

18/01/2024 Chiara Lombardi (ENEA), 
“Bioconstructional Bryozoans of the Southem Ocean – ecosystems to monitor and protect“
LocandinaWatch the recording on line


2023-09-28 (14:30 CET)
Eléonore Cambra – CNR-ISMAR Lerici,  “Managing the increasing complexity of marine space: the example of fishing in the Natural Marine Park of the Gulf of Lion (France)” – LocandinaWatch the recording on line  (pw: GmGNuG26)

2023-09-21 (14:30)
Prof. Fang Shen – State Key Laboratory of Estuarine Coastal Research, East China Normal University, “Ocean Color Remote Sensing: from China’s Estuary and Coast to the Global Ocean” – LocandinaWatch the recording on line  (pw: dRY43pmt)

2023-07-11 (11:30 CET)
Isabel Houghton (Sofar Ocean (San Francisco, USA) “Global observations and forecasting of the airsea interface at Sofar” – LocandinaWatch the recording on line  (pw: pVVpZAu8)

2023-05-25 (14:30 CET)
Juergen Schieber (Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University) “New Horizons in Shale Sedimentology. How Experimental Advances Allow a New Look at the Rock Record” – Locandina –  Watch the recording on line (pw: WkQxwjR2)

2023-04-27  (14:30 CET) Luisa Galgani (GEOMAR – Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany) “Plastic in the biogeochemistry of the ocean” – LocandinaWatch the recording on line (pw: vETPcJg2)

2023-04-20  (14:30 CET) Benjamin Storer (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester) “Studying the Multi-Scale Dynamics of the Oceanic Symphony” – Locandina Watch the recording on line (pw: 4uMtsRJ3)

2023-04-17  Professor Zhiyu Liu, College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, China) “Dynamical Decomposition of Multiscale Oceanic Motions” –  Locandina – Watch the recording on line (pw: FdfeK9JK)

2023-03-23 Luigi Vigliotti (CNR-ISMAR) “The paradigm of the Neanderthals demise” – Locandina, no video

2023-02-16 Christian Marchese (EMBL & CNR-ISMAR) “Bioregionalization of the coastal and open oceans of British Columbia and Southeast Alaska based on highly resolved chlorophyll-a satellite data and an objective classification approach” – Locandina Watch the recording on line (pw: aVmcJxP4)

2022-12-13 Stefano Furlani (Department of Mathematics and Geosciences, University of Trieste) “Swim surveys of the Mediterranean rocky coasts: The Geoswim programme” – Locandina download and watch the recording

2022-12-13 Enrico Bonatti (CNR-ISMAR) “L’esplorazione degli oceani negli ultimi 50 anni e contributo scientifico al modello dello spreading oceanico” – Locandina Organizzato nell’ambito della Riunione annuale degli afferenti alla Sezione di Geologia Marina della Società Geologica Italiana.

2022-12-01 Dr. Mengyu Li (State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University) ” Optical identification of complex marine particle types for biogeochemical observation from estuarine and coastal waters to the open ocean” – Locandinadownload and watch the recording

2022-09-29 Ernesto Azzurro (CNR-Irbim) “La febbre del Mediterraneo”  – Locandina download and watch the recording

2022-09-08 Federica Foglini (CNR-Ismar Sede di Bologna) “Improving scientists daily work. Moving towards Open Science – Opportunities services and technologies for scientist from the EOSC initiative. The RELIANCE project example” – Locandina download and watch the recording

2022-07-28 Francesco Paladini de Mendoza (CNR-Ismar Sede di Venezia) “Implicazioni geomorfologiche dei fenomeni di cascading delle acque dense dedotte dalle osservazioni acustiche dei moorings del Mar Adriatico Meridionale ” – Locandina download and watch the recording

2022-07-21 Francesca Alvisi (CNR-Ismar Sede di Bologna) “The BlueS_Med and BlueNIGHTs projects: bringing Ocean literacy to schools and society” – Locandina download and watch the recording

2022-06-09 Jacopo Aguzzi (ICM-CSIC Spain and SZN Naple) “Monitoring of fauna and marine ecosystems with advanced robotic technologies” – Locandina download and watch the recording

2022-05-12 Luca Mirimin (Atlantic Technological University, Galway, Ireland) “DNA-based methods for the monitoring of sea life” Locandinadownload and watch the recording

2022-04-21 Francesca Ape (ISMAR-CNR Bologna) “Meiofauna: from intertidal rocky shores to extreme marine ecosystems” Locandina download and watch the recording

2022-04-07 Bianca Maria Dinelli (ISAC-CNR Bologna) “FORUM: una missione per caratterizzare lo spettro nel lontano infrarosso della ‘outgoing long-wave radiation’ terrestre” Locandinadownload and watch the recording

2022-03-17 Camilla Palmiotto (ISMAR-CNR – Bologna) “Morphology and spreading rate of oceanic back-arc spreading centers: the case of the Northern Lau Basin” Locandinadownload and watch the recording

2022-03-03 Laura Zoffoli (ISMAR-CNR – Rome) “Analyzing a four-decade time-series of seagrass parameters based on Earth Observation and possible links with herbivore abundance” Locandinadownload and watch the recording

2022-02-10 Marco Taviani (associato presso ISMAR) “Alla scoperta dei canyon sottomarini dell’Australia: l’epopea della Falkor” Locandina download and watch the recording

2022-01-27 Christian Marchese (University of British Columbia – Canada) “Influence of the physical environment on high latitude phytoplankton blooms” – Locandinadownload and watch the recording

2022-01-20 Luis Gonzales Vilas (ISMAR-CNR – Rome)  “Innovative methods based on satellite data for the monitoring and prediction of Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) in the Rias Baixas area (NW Spain) ” Locandinadownload and watch the recording

2021-12-16 Gianluca Gagliardi (ISMAR-CNR – Naples)  “A light Carousel in a liquid droplet ” Locandina download & watch the recording

2021-12-02 Emiliano Ramieri  (ISMAR-CNR – Venezia)  ” La ricerca scientifica per la Pianificazione Spaziale Marittima a supporto dell’economia blue sostenibile”Locandinadownload & watch the recording

2021-11-18  Mika Petteri Malila  (Norwegian Meterorological Institute, Bergen)  “Stereo video measurements of extreme wave crests in the North Sea” – Locandina download & watch the recording

2021-11-04  Giuseppe Grieco (ISMAR-CNR Napoli) “Sea state and wind field retrieval from active microwave instruments at ISMAR Napoli” – Locandinadownload & watch the recording

2021-10-21  Manuel Aghito (University of Bergen) “ChemicalDrift: Lagrangian modelling of transport and fate of chemicals in the ocean” – Locandinadownload & watch the recording

2021-10-14 Øyvind Breivik  (Head of Division for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, University of Bergen)  “A high-resolution hindcast archive for the atmosphere, the wave field and the water level in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea” – Locandina download & watch the recording

2021-07-20 Chiara Pisapia (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan)  “Traiettorie delle barriere coralline nell’Antropocene” – Locandina download & watch the recording

2021-06-25 Gaspard Durieux (ISMAR-CNR La Spezia) “From Local Web Service to Global Ocean Data Hub” – Locandina download & watch the recording

2021-06-18 Paraskevi Nomikou ( Dept of Geology and Geoenvironment National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) “Christianna-Santorini-Kolumbo rift, Greece” – Locandina download & watch the recording

2021-05-28 Roberto Garra (Dpt. Sci. Statistiche – Sapienza, UNIRoma) “Fractional calculus: an introduction and its application in radiative transfer model” – Locandina download & watch the recording

2021-05-14 Francesco De Rovere (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia e CNR-ISP) “Water Masses Variability in Inner Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) during 2010-2020” – Locandina download & watch the recording

2021-04-30 Adrian Raymund Cruz Fernandez (Tongji University “Tectonic uplift history of Taiwan deduced from sedimentary records in the northern South China Sea” – Locandina – recording not available

2021-04-23 Anne de Carbuccia (artista ambientale) – “L’ambiente visto attraverso l’arte” – Locandinadownload & watch the recording (il film “One Ocean” inizia al minuto 12:10)

2021-04-16 Rossella Belloni (Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Dip. Ingegneria Civile) “Investigating river-sea system sediment connectivity: from Source to Sea” – Locandina download & watch the recording

2021-04-09 Martina Pierdomenico (CNR-IAS.) – “Submarine canyons: hotspots of litter accumulation in the deep sea” – Locandina , download & watch the recording

2021-04-01 Malek Belgacem (ISMAR-CNR Venice) – “Variability of inorganic nutrients in the Western Mediterranean Sea” – download & watch the recording

2021-03-25 Alessia Conti (Universita’ Sapienza, Roma) – “Analisi di vecchi e nuovi dati di sismica a riflessione: un’applicazione al margine tirrenico laziale-campano” – Locandinadownload & watch the recording

2021-03-18 Simone Toller (UNIBO) – “Geochimica di acque e sedimenti di un invaso artificiale” –  download & watch the recording

2021-03-11 Angelo Vulpiani (Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita’ Sapienza, Roma) – “Understanding causation via correlations and linear response theory” –  download & watch the recording

2021-03-04 Giorgio Castellan (CNR-Ismar BO) – “Unraveling the Mesophotic Zone of the Mediterranean Sea” – download & watch the recording

2021-02-25 Eva Le Merle (CNR-ISMAR – RM) – “Directional and frequency spread of surface ocean waves from CFOSAT/SWIM satellite measurements” – download & watch the recording

2021-02-18 Eleonora Ficini (Sapienza Università – RM) – “Dinamica asimmetrica delle zone di subduzione: dai vincoli della cinemarica delle placche alla convezione del mantello” – download & watch the recording

2021-02-11 Elena Gissi (PhD, Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow, CNR-ISMAR-VE) – “Addressing conservation with marine spatial planning in the age of climate change” – download & watch the recording

2021-02-04 Chaira de Matteis (Università PR) – “Il ruolo della Mineralogia nello studio dei waste-materials” – download & watch the recording

2020-12-15 Annalisa Griffa & Bruno.Buongiorno Nardelli (organizers) “Workshop interno ISMAR: Dinamica a mesoscala e sottomesoscala download & watch the recording (only within Ismar)” – Day 1Day 2

2020-11-11 Giovanni Bearzi (Research associate, OceanCare, Switzerland ) – “Bottlenose dolphins in the north-western Adriatic Sea: abundance, spatial distribution and interactions with trawling” – download & watch the recording

2020-10-14 Marco Paterni (CNR Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica – PI) i & Silvia Merlino (CNR-ISMAR La Spezia) – “Monitoring marine debris in protected coastal areas: an UAV approacch” – download the presentation in PDF

2020-09-30 Mohammad Daliri (Università Federico II – NA) – “An investigation into the role of a thermal creek in the spatial distribution of Arsenic in the Bagnoli Bay marine sediments” – Abstract –  download & watch the recording

2020-09-09 Simone Tenan (CNR-Ismar VE) – “Quantitative animal ecology in the presence of imperfect detection” – download & watch the recording

2020-07-15 Giuseppe Suaria (CNR-Ismar SP) – “Floating litter and microplastic in the marine environment” – download & watch the recording

2020-07-08 Guglielmo Lacorata (CNR-Ismar RM) – “Lagrangian transport and dispersion: data analysis and modelling” – download & watch the recording

2020-07-03 Claudia Lupi (DSTA – UNIPV) – “The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), Exploring the Earth by Scientific Ocean Drilling: Lesson and narrative from Exp. 367South China Sea Rifted Margin” – download & watch the recording

2020-07-01 Elena Agliari (Sapienza Università – RM) – “Machine Learning from a mathematical perspective” – Abstractdownload & watch the recording

2020-06-25 Luca Gasperini (CNR-Ismar BO) – “Acquisition of geophysical/oceanographic data using autonomous vehicles: a tool for marine geology, oceanography and environmental studies in ISMAR” – download & watch the recording

2020-06-17 Annalisa Bracco (Georgia Institute of Technology) – “Deep-water formation in the Labrador Sea Drivers and Impacts” – download & watch the recording

2020-06-11 Angela Landolfi (CNR-Ismar RM) – “Anthropogenic-driven changes of ocean biogeochemistry” – download & watch the recording

2020-06-04 Giovanni Dalu CNR – IBE) – “Interactions in the Asian-African monsoonal system according to Gill’s theory” – download & watch the recording

2020-05-28 Daniele Ciani (CNR-Ismar RM) – “Ocean applications for the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer (CIMR) mission” – download & watch the recording

2020-05-21 Vincenzo de Toma – “Climate shift of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in Reanalyses (ORAS5): possible causes, and sources of uncertainty” – download & watch the recording

2020-02-27 Emanuele Organelli (CNR-Ismar RM) – “On the role of marine optics for observing ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles” – Abstract

2020-02-13 Javier Concha (CNR-Ismar RM) – “Assessing differences on uncertainty estimates introduced by match-up protocols” – Abstract

2020-01-30 Marco Bracaglia (CNR-Ismar RM) – “A Virtual Geostationary Ocean Colour Sensor to observe short term variation in particulate matter in the coastal environment” – Abstract